Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lucky Me!......Lucky You?!

I am probably the most unlucky person. I never win anything. However last week I won NOT ONE, but TWO giveaways. Can you believe it? I'm still surprised about it.
First Giveaway - The first giveaway that I won was from Three at Four. By leaving a comment on Angela's blog I was entered into her drawing for a set of homemade cards made by Lianna. So, I picked a set of Halloween cards from Lianna's little store, Greeting Cards for Our Garden. Check 'em out for yourself. There might be something you just have to have.
Second Giveaway - The second giveaway that I won was from Jen at The Art of Living Boutique. She was having a giveaway for the grand opening of her store that specializes in adoption merchandise. You can just imagine how excited I was to know that I could pick something out. Of course, I thought of Zoe first & let her choose between a couple of items. Here's what she picked out: (Isn't it cute?!)

Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket & see if my luck continues. What do ya think?...
Could you be lucky?
My friend Lianna, who I mentioned above, is having a raffle to raise money for IVF treatments. Unfortunately, her health insurance covers nothing. As a survivor of the infertility roller coaster (Those of you who have experienced infertility, know exactly what I am talking about.) I can relate to her frustrations in dealing with each & every "inconvenience"; whether it be taking shots, getting the dreaded call from the doctor, receiving another bill indicating you owe 100%, etc.
I thought about Lianna's situation for several days trying to rack my brain about what I could do to help out. As I was cleaning my closet out, I came across a Coach purse & wallet that I had actually bought for my one of my nieces thinking that my sisters would rig the Christmas exchange so that Zoe would get one of the girls' names. Well, do you think they rigged it for me? Heck no! So, seeing that purse & wallet in my closet got me to thinking....I'm gonna give that to Lianna to raffle off. Not sure if it will raise a lot of money, but I hope it helps put a little dent in their fundraising effort. Anyway, go visit Lianna & give her a shout out. You never know, you could be the big winner just by stopping by.


day by day said...

Oh, you have been lucky!! And yes....definitely give the lottery a try while luck is in the air. : )

Lianna Knight said...

Thank you so much Heather! I think you are right...I might extend the giveaway for a little longer...I honestly had NO idea this would be such a success :)

All because of you...

Mrs. Heck said...

I just had to stop by and say how awesome you are in helping Lianna in her quest to have a baby! It's awesome to know there are good people out there! ♥

Mrs Anne said...

Congrats on being so lucky!

I just wanted to come here and say that I think you are such a sweet friend to donate such an awesome figt towards Lianna's giveaway.

Your daughter is beautiful!

Lisa said...