Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Pictures

So, a few weeks ago (right around St. Patrick's Day) Zoe had spring pictures at pre-school. Wouldn't you know? I hung the note on the fridge so I would be reminded to dress her in a cute outfit & fix her hair all fancy. But, guess what? I forgot all about it. (I guess seeing the note several times a day didn't help either!)

After Paul dropped Zoe off that morning, he left me a message on my cell phone saying - "Hey, I guess you forgot that Zoe had spring pictures today. I figured it out when I saw all of her classmates dressed up. Oh well, she picked out her own clothes today & did her own hair so we'll just have to see how things turn out."

When I got his message I kept thinking - Are you kidding me? How could I have forgot that? It's only been on the fridge for two weeks! I wonder what her teachers are thinking. They probably think I am some nutso mama who can't even remember to send her daughter to school in a decent outfit for pictures.

Well, Friday I picked Zoe up from daycare & sure enough, her spring pictures were in her backpack. As I pulled out the packed, I clinched my teeth & thought - Heather, whatever you do, just smile & tell Zoe they are good. Don't hurt her feelings. Remember, Zoe dressed herself that morning & did her own hair.

Boy, was I surprised!!!......

Not too bad. In fact, I would say her picture turned out pretty good.

When I did get my first glimpse of the picture, Zoe said to me, "Mama, they're good, huh? I have on my St. Patrick's Day shirt & my favorite jeans with the hole in the knee. I think I look pretty hip!" (I had to agree. I have no idea where she's heard the word hip, but yes, she's definitely in style here!)


Anonymous said...

Oh! I LOVE this picture, and I'm so happy you didn't end up with pictures like I grew up with: sure I LEFT the house looking ok and wearing my better clothes, but by the time the picture was taken things had taken a decided turn for the worse. Congrats on the cutest picture! And would you like a little advice? I can program my cell phone to give me alerts/alarms whatever for the night before something like Picture Day. Cause if I look at something every day? I cease to notice it, too. AOL also offers reminders you can program it to send you an email alert.

Stephanie said...

She's beautiful!!!! That smile is going to kill someday :)

I did the same thing with Lucas a few weeks ago but he wasn't put together as well and I think they must think I'm a crazy mom too :)

Kristi J said...

she's so cute!! how precious!! I love the hole in the knee...Sweet as can be!! kj

Cathy said...

Good job, Zoe!

Lianna Knight said...